Wella SP Luxe Oil Keratin Boost Essence 100 ml (Leave In Treatment)



Luxe Oil Keratin Boost Essence噴霧劑是一種專業美髮產品,適用於所有類型的頭髮。 推薦主要用於乾燥和受損的頭髮。 撫平和滋潤頭髮,增強角蛋白,並在其中填充蛋白質,從而防止進一步受損。 富含三種油: 摩洛哥堅果油(也稱為液態金)可深層滋潤秀發,恢復其自然的水分含量。 此外,它可以使毛鱗片變光滑,防止水分流失。 杏仁油為髮束提供必要的營養和維生素,使頭髮變得非常健康強壯。 霍霍巴油可密集地修復受損和開裂的末端,從而防止進一步的損害。 如何使用: 均勻地噴在毛巾擦乾的頭髮上。 不要沖洗。 The Luxe Oil Keratin Boost Essence spray is a professional cosmetic product intended to care for all hair types. Recommended mainly for dry and damaged hair. Smooths down and moisturizes the hair, strengthening the keratin and filling it with protein which provides protection against further damage. Enriched with three oils: Argan oil, also referred to as liquid gold, deeply hydrates the hair restoring its natural moisture level. Additionally, it smooths down the hair cuticle preventing moisture loss. Almond oil provides the strands with essential nutrients and vitamins which make the hair grow incredibly healthy and strong. Jojoba oil intensively reconstructs damaged and split ends, thus preventing further damage. How to use: Spray evenly onto towel-dried hair. Do not rinse. (4015600613051)
