TIGI Bed Head Wax Stick 75g 動感塑型髮臘



1) 蜂蠟和日本蠟的組合有助於增加保持力和清晰度 2) Castor oil有助於調理頭髮,使頭髮光滑無毛躁 3) 定型:持久 4) 效果:自然 此標誌性產品由蠟和油的混合物配製而成,可幫助您立即創建質感,保持力和分離感。 非常適合短髮。 使用方法 📌適用於乾燥或潮濕的頭髮。 對於短髮(長度為2-3英寸),以打圈的方式塗在整個頭上。 📌形狀達到蓬鬆,尖刺的外觀。 📌對於中長發,從中軸到尾部(從頭到尾)(散開)營造出散發的外觀。 1) A combination of beeswax and Japan wax helps to add hold and definition 2) Castor oil helps to condition hair leaving it smooth and frizz-free 3) HOLD: Firm 4) FINISH: Natural FOR TEXTURE The original Bed Head Stick. This iconic product is formulated with a blend of waxes and oil to help you instantly create texture, hold and separation. Great for short hair. Directions 📌Apply to dry or damp hair. For short hair (2-3 inches in length), apply in a circular motion over entire head. 📌Shape to achieve a tufty, spiked look. 📌For mid to long hair lengths, (flick through) from mid-shaft to ends to create a piecey look. (615908403718)

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