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1. 一切合理之退貨要求並不會徵收任何費⽤。
2. 發現產品有問題及需要退換時,顧客必需在收貨後七天內Whatsapp/Facebook Message方式提出。
3. 超過七天的退貨要求將不獲接受。
4. 必需出示有效收據。
5. 如屬顧客購物錯誤,我們仍可提供退換服務,但將會收取港幣$30作運輸費及手續費。我們將提供香港郵局運送標籤,買家需把郵件送至郵局投寄。
6. 一切經開啟、使用過而沒有過期或變壞之貨品將不獲退換。
7. 如有任何爭議,本網站將保留最終決定權。
i. No handling fee will be charged to all returns made within our returns policy.
ii. We will accept any defective items for refund or exchange within 7 days of receipt. Please inform us via Whatsapp/Facebook Message.
iii. No returns will be honored after 7 days of delivery.
iv. An original receipt shall be presented.
v. A handling fee and shipping fees of HKD$30 will be charged for the non-defective returned items.
vi. Hong Kong Post return shipping label will be provided and the customer needs to hand over the parcel to Post Office.
vii. No returned will be accepted for any opened or used items which are non-defective.
viii. We reserve the right to make the final decision in any dispute raised.
聯絡我們/Contact Us
Tel: +852 6485 8550
Email: shampoo.pro.hk@gmail.com