Schwarzkopf OSiS+ Thrill Fiber Gum Strong Control 100ml 纖維超強髮膠 (強效定型)



德國黑人頭 Schwarzkopf Osis+ THRILL 纖維超強髮膠 (強效定型) 100ML 强力啞色纖維髮膠,易於控制,能營造暗啞、蓬鬆及凌亂效果,使髮型更有層次感,特點就是比較輕身,能使頭髮挺起卻不失自然,而且不用再洗頭也可隨 時改變造型,尤其適合短髮使用,如再配合噴髮膠使用效果更佳。 使用方法: 使用於乾頭髮上,每次將少量造型泥於掌心或指尖捽散再搽於髮根,然後隨意 造型即可,如果頭髮比較長的話,配合噴髮膠使用效果會更好。 Schwarzkopf OSiS+ Thrill Fiber Gum Strong Control 100ml OSIS Thrill Fibregum is a strong fixative ointment. Defines the hairstyle with separation and gives pearlescent luster to the wires. This elastic rubber with tough fibers provides strong wire control and a moldable finish. OSIS Thrill ointment can be used on both wet and dry hair to create a stylish scruffy look for day or night. Application Apply to dry or damp hair and shape as desired. Result Control is strong - hairstyle can be rebellious! (4045787314014)
