L'Oreal Mythic Oil Huile Nutritive Nourishing Oil 100ml/3.4oz 護髮精油



巴黎歐萊雅護髮精油 | MYTHIC OIL 100ML 這款巴黎歐萊雅護髮精油的英文名字是:L'Oreal Professional's Mythic Oil Original Oil,是歐萊雅Mythic Oil 護髮精油小金瓶系列中的日常款,用來滋養您的秀髮 ,此款具有滋養作用的髮油可以給您的秀髮進行輕盈補水,消除起毛的程度。 此款 Mythic Oil 的主要成分: 含有富含維生素的牛油果油、阿甘油、越莓油、具有抗氧化作用的葡萄籽油,適合各種髮型使用,可以有效消除起毛程度,同時具有輕盈的滋潤作用,讓您的秀髮呈現鏡面般的閃亮光澤。 燙髮抗熱功效:這款髮油塗抹之後,可以協助抵抗燙髮工具的溫度,高達 230°C/446°F,防止燙傷頭髮。 可以有效護理和精心保護您的秀髮。 使用方法: 📌先搖匀,取1-2泵量 (視乎頭髮厚薄而定) ,使用於潔髮後,吹髮前均勻塗抹於頭髮中段至未端。 📌或塗抹於乾髮上,增添光澤並撫平毛躁鬆散的頭髮。 LOreal Mythic Oil Huile Nutritive Nourishing Oil 100ml/3.4oz Recommended for all hair types Highly concentrated natural argan oil nourishes and shines hair fibre without weighing hair down. Softens and protects hair to facilitate hair drying. Ideal for detangling hair after shampooing and illuminating it before or after blow-drying 48h anti-humidity and anti-frizz protection. Heat protection to hear appliance up to 230 Degree Celsius. How to use: 📌Apply 1-2 pumps onto hair palms, warm it with the body heat before applying on the lengths. 📌No rinse. Style as usual. (3474636501960)

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