Invisibobble 魔髮圈-經典系列ORIGINAL (Crystal Clear) 德國髮飾 髮圈 Elastic Band-Bracelet For Hair



隱藏在美麗的髻中,或在陽光下閃閃發光的馬尾辮 - Crystal Clear是每個人的最愛。 產品特點: •能綁緊頭髮,不易鬆脫 •不拉扯頭髮,無痛感 獨特設計,不易留有綁痕 •減少掉髮及髮尾開叉 •防靜電 •可隨意綁緊任何大小束頭髮 •只要浸泡在熱水中,即可回復緊緻,變回原本大小及彈性狀態,非常耐用 •減少消耗,減少浪費,減少製造垃圾 Hidden in a beautiful updo or sparkling in the sun in a bouncing ponytail – Crystal Clear is everyone’s favorite. Product features: •Smooth surface. •It’s traceless, so leaves no kinks in your hair. •Helps avoid headaches. •Doesn’t cause split ends. •Has a strong grip. •Perfect for use with all hair types. •Even distribution of pressure. •Water-repellent. •Wear it comfortably round your wrist as a bracelet when not in use. (4260285373039)

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